
A Burst Here, A Burst There

Like I stated in my first post. I get bursts of inspiration, of energy, of desire and a WANT. A want to get my hands on something, to express. It's sustaining that burst, that is my real challenge. I made this collage a while ago. I typed and pasted the lyrics, "you belong among the wildflowers..." and then "you belong somewhere you feel free..." Good ol' Tom Petty for ya.

I love those lyrics. I have put towards the bottom a girl spinning. She looks utterly free. The sun is shining, the grass flowing. It's a perfect representation of how I'd like to be all the time. In any given situation. I think inspiration wouldn't need to be mustered up, it would just exist, all around me. All I'd have to do is tap into it. I, of course, got most of these images from Urban Outfitters catalogues and Anthropologie ads. Once again, using other people's work to help aid my own. I love their ads. So clever and so rich with texture and palpable color pallets. I'm a big fan... needless to say.

There's a flame, grass, flowers, trees, an open inviting widow, clouds, birds and the sign Come In We're Open. I definitely let Dharma out with this one. I think this whole collage does in fact represent the freedom that I am working towards. The freedom of my art. There's a large ominous beetle at the very top, forewarning me of times to come. And the Come In We're Open sign is sort of an invitation, saying, "Yes, I'm open to whatever comes," 24/7, baby.

1 comment:

Miller Family said...

Love your collage. Love your art. Your expression. I love that you let it burst out of you in so many different ways.